With the ever changing world of technology the world is changing ever so drastically it brings up the question are we relying to much on technology. Technology does play an important role and has made permanment imprints in our lifestyles. When most technologies develop they are just novelties that are neat like microwaves people use to invite guess over and show how fast they could heat up a glass of water now microwaves are used in cooking all the time. When the internet came out people were thinking it was neat but who could imagine all the stuff we do online now like meeting your soul mate, half of your university work, online banking, and handling government issues. It seems there is no area where we won't allow technology be, but where is the absolute cutoff for our life and technology or does it not even exist. When does technology addictions begin do you have to check facebook 10+ times a day or make a tweet every hour. Where has th non-technolgy communication skills gone from this course.
Ales 204 is about communication theory and practise in class with its written, oral, and technology components. In the end that every project and assignment we had to use a computer for most of it. Should Ales 204 have as much of a computer propotion as it has or should it teach us in other communications. Could they actually teach us to write a proper cover letter during the resume part not just internet variations. During the podcast part could they have a listen to be able to handle a personal interview being able to talk to the interviewer proffesional making eye contact and being able to have an interview go smoothly. How to dress professionally and behave for an interview like don't dress inappropiate (means no cleavage, no underwear showing, sparse makeup and perfume, no holes in clothes, no hats, and no sun glasses). or tell a story when your drunk and don't talk about your flaws for ex. "I can't work under pressure well". There are so many people to people communication skills that are valuable to have that I wished this course did cover, technology is cool and coming more important but isn't all of it. For the presentations I wished they focused more on the presenting part not just some random scientific articles because a presenter that is energetic and is enthuastic can give me a half ass presentation that I'm fully aware unlike a pecha kucha (if you are not a good presenter its still boring even though it might be faster). Here is a link how to have good posture for public speaking and presentations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAhg73Q3ab0.
Thats my main rant about how we learn so much about social newtwroking but not much about on other aspects of communication. A persons blog that i reccommend is Brenda Le about CSL in which she had a very positive experience http://brenda-le.blogspot.ca/2012/04/csl-with-campus-food-bank.html.
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